Commercial Development

Commercial Development

This is an area of growing interest and activity, due, in part to alterations in planning, which allow for expanded opportunities within the scope of permitted development.

We are interested in the following:

Redundant or failing commercial sites in any location which may be suitable for conversion to residential use.

Redundant or failing commercial sites near to busy A roads (roundabouts and junctions) adjacent to areas of relatively high population density and high traffic volume.

We have clients ready and willing to research such sites for suitability for their requirements with a view to lease and/or purchase with inevitable benefit of bringing increased economic social activity to the area generally.

There will be absolute characteristics that the site must offer in terms of availability, size, location, access, traffic and population volume, in addition to a number of planning ‘filters’ which the site must pass through, but we have access to experts who will be able to assess the suitability of any site offered within a short space of time.

If you would like to discuss a potential site, please contact us as below: